E-values revolutionizes your approach to recruitment and talent management. Explore our examples of HR test results, designed to provide you with a 360° view of your candidates and employees:
Download our sample results in PDF format and discover how to make informed decisions, develop your talent, and build high-performing teams.
Gain a clear and objective view of your candidates' or employees' skills. Our quantitative results provide you with detailed test scores, participants' self-assessments, and reference profiles. This powerful combination of quantitative data enables you to make decisions based on concrete facts, reducing biases and improving the quality of your HR processes.
Optimize your decision-making process with our flexible reports. From a detailed 15-page report to a concise half-page summary, our documents are tailored to all your HR needs: recruitment, coaching, skills assessment, and more. Our exclusive comparative report provides you with a concise view of strengths and areas for development, making it easier to select candidates and plan career advancements.
Transform complex data into actionable insights with our comprehensive suite of graphical visualizations. From radar charts to Gaussian representations, our visual tools allow you to instantly grasp key skills and performance metrics. Facilitate communication with your teams and management by presenting clear and impactful results, thus accelerating decision-making.
Propel your HR strategy into the era of artificial intelligence with our AI-generated documents. Create customized macro-criteria reports, personalized job offers, and job descriptions tailored to your specific needs. Our cutting-edge AI technology allows you to adapt your evaluations and recruitment processes with unmatched precision, while saving valuable time in the creation of essential HR documents.
Les exemples de résultats proviennent du test Potentiel Premium, un test d’évaluation des compétences conçu spécifiquement pour le management opérationnel. Ces résultats, bien que réels, sont anonymisés pour respecter la confidentialité. Il est important de noter que les résultats varient en fonction des critères spécifiques de chaque test, des profils de référence utilisés, ainsi que des objectifs visés (recrutement, bilan de compétences, formation, coaching, etc.). Chaque test offre une perspective unique, adaptée aux besoins opérationnels de votre organisation.
Si vous souhaitez recevoir des exemples de résultats pour un autre test, demandez-le à un de nos experts E-values via notre chat en ligne en haut à droite.